Frequently Asked Questions about NiZA NiZA PROJECTS
What type of projects are funded by NiZA?
All projects are related to the themes covered by the three NiZA programmes: Media, Human Rights, and Economy.
All the activities of NiZA in southern Africa are initiated by and carried out at the request of local or regional partner organisations. Without a partner in the region there can be no project.
NiZA provides its partner organisations with support in the fields of training, capacity building, institutional development and research.
All projects are carried out by an external consultant. In many cases, it is the partner organisations themselves who propose candidates from the region for appointment.
Institutional funding of organisations in the South is not part of NiZA’s objectives and policy.
Who finance the work of NiZA?
Private supporters rank prominently among those who enable NiZA to carry out its work. Besides, several NiZA projects are being subsidized by the European Union and other donors. NiZA’s three sector programmes are being financed, through PSO, by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
How to become a supporter?
NiZA greatly values its supporters. Our supporters provide us with the financial ground to base our long-term plans and projects on. Read more on how to support NiZA.
Information on foreign embassies in the Netherlands:
Foreign Affairs ‘Oranje Boekje’ – http://bob.minbuza.nl/
Links to websites of Dutch embassies in sub-Saharan Africa:
In southern Africa
- All relevant information (in Dutch only) can be found on the site of NUFFIC – ‘Studeren in het buitenland’: www.wilweg.nl
- For those who want to go to South Africa, a useful reference guide (in Dutch) is: Studie en stage in Zuid-Afrika (Amsterdam, 1999).
This guide offers information on the education system and suggestions on how to organize your journey, find a trainee post or a place to study, find accomodation and obtain documentation. You can order the guide from NiZA.
- Cos-Nederland
COS-Nederland offers a list (Dutch only) of opportunities for young people (trainee posts, volunteer jobs et cetera) www.cossen.nl/wmbrabant/thema/werken.asp
- Association of Voluntary Service Organisations
AVSO is a European platform of national and international volunteer organisations. Through the section ‘Links’ on the AVSO site you will find addresses of organisations offering volunteer employment outside the Netherlands.
- NiZA Programme ‘Media and Freedom of Expression’
Under NiZA’s Media Programme, a limited number of jobs are available to newly graduated journalists or advanced students of journalism who want to work with one of our partners in southern Africa.
NiZA regularly offers trainee posts in its communication department and at the Amsterdam – Beira city twinning and BIDOC. Look under vacancies to find out whether there are any posts available, or send us an e-mail.
- NiZA’s BIDOC (Library, Information and Documentation Center) is open five days a week, from Monday to Friday, to those who are writing a paper or a thesis.
- For tips regarding talks and papers to pupils at secondary schools (in Dutch only): Centrum voor Mondiaal Onderwijs, www.cmo.nl
You find a list of city twinnings and other forms of cooperation between the Netherlands and southern Africa at www.stedenbanden.nl

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