Library, Information and Documentation Centre NiZA has possess archives, a library, nd an information and documentation centre.
At this moment NiZA is in the process of tranfering parts of the collection to the International Institute for Social History (Amsterdam), the Zuid-Afrikahuis (Amsterdam), and the Africa Studies Centre (Leiden).
Physically, the collection is still the NiZA office and is accessible for visitors.
It has an extensive collection of books, photographs, video's, newspapers, periodicals, press cuttings and grey literature.
The has been built-up since the 1970s by the former solidarity groups which merged into NiZA in 1997; since then, new items are added on a daily basis, which a significantly broadened scope to cover the whole of Southern Africa.
Our documentation collection is accessible through detailed descriptions of our resources in computerised databases.
From 1991-1998 we produced some 36.000 records with descriptions of articles, reports, documents and books which are included in a now concluded database (Izadoc).
Since 1999 we are using a professional library programme (Adlib) to generate a database which grows with approximately 3000 records per year.
For students and researchers, as well for travellers and others interested in the region we provide lists of sources from our Izadoc database decribing the documentary material available at NiZA-BIDOC on a wide range of subjects. Theses lists can be selected on country or subject and downloaded directly (PDF-format).
We can also provide you with information from two extensive bibliographical databases on CD-ROM at the NiZA-BIDOC. These are the ‘South African Studies’ and the ‘African Studies on CD-ROM’ (600.000 records alltogether)
The collection is extensive. The documentalists gladly want to help you with your research, studies or other information needs on Southern Africa. You can mail your request to BIDOC.
Please describe your research-project and specify your request as much as possible. This way the documentalists will be able to help you better. In principle, NiZA-BIDOC will only send you lists of resources, not the actual articles, documents, etc..
You can search the complete collection by visiting the NiZA office. There is a copy-machine and video available. Items can not be borrowed.
More information:
The BIDOC is open on working days from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. Please call or e-mail if you would like to visit the library.
Telephone: 00.31.20. 520 62 10
Email: bidoc@niza.nl

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